Nature holds a great mystery, zealously guarded from those who would deny its wisdom.
Throughout our history, pieces of this ancient knowledge have been quietly revealed to those who have attuned their eyes to see and ears to hear. Many of us tend to walk through life half asleep, at times numbed, if not deadened to the exquisite order that surrounds us.
But a trail of clues to that mystery has always been there for the open minded, the sensitive and the enthusiasts.
The secretive tradition centers on a study of numbers, harmony, geometry and cosmology that stretches back through the mists of time, back to the Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Indian and Chinese cultures.
There are many names for this mysterious section, but originally it was known as AUREA PROPORTION. This proportion can be found in nature, in the human body, throughout the galaxies, and it can be calculted mathematically.
Over the course of history, humankind has discovered and re–discovered this concept on different occasions.
Aurea, or divine proportion, is considered as the excellence of beauty and design artists have learned from Nature’s wisdom and now AUREA STONE translates this perfection into your everyday life through unique collections that will take you to the Zenith of Design and beauty.